


I’ve been a techie and a nerd. In highschool, I was the kid with lights on his halloween costume, hypercard on his old MAC, and a Basic Stamp in his pocket. My projects had User Interfaces written in RealBasic on my PowerBook.

I arrived at WPI and dove head first into my Electrical and Computer Engineering major. In College I was a member of the IEEE chapter on campus. I learned a lot about microcontrollers and electronics.

During my senior year me and some classmates started a Robotics Startup called Neuron Robotics. The goal was to develop a platform for teaching educational robotics. We stuck with it for quite a while and we even sold some hardware to WPI’s RBE department and got our product into Microcenter. Meanwhile I was also working as a researcher at the WPI AIMlab.

Now, I’m a talented driven engineer, I work as a lab manager for the WPI RBE department and do contract enngineering on the side through BSTAR Engineering LLC. I’ve touched all aspects of product design from concept, to parts selection, to schematic capture and pcb layout, to testing, production, and finally retail so i am confident in my abilities to hit the ground running.
